A Bit About Office vs Office
Erik van der Molen and Joseph Becker launched Office vs Office in 2006. Joseph has since taken on the role
associate currator of architecture and design at SFMOMA. Erik has focused on Office vs Office, growing it’s
network and expertise working with various startups, museums, creatives, architects and a long list of
clients nationwide such as Herman Miller, WIRED, Disney, Adaptive Path, Nike, Gap Inc. + all Gap brands
Banana Republic, Athleta, Old Navy, and Intermix), Surefire, Walmart, De Young Museum, and Gravity Tank, to
a few. Through an evidence based approach, Office vs Office designs strategies, solutions and tools
for the success of each projects unique requirements, captivating audiences and telling stories through
insightful branding, interactive experiences, and moving imagery. Whether it’s launching a product and ecom
store, rebranding a decades old corporation, defining and communicating the vision and strategy core to the
business, or simply building a unique and easily manageable digital persentation of ones services and
Office vs Office can set you up with the knowledge, tools, and strategy to confidently move forward.
If you are interested in working with Office vs Office please do not hesitate to reach out.
If you are interested in working with Office vs Office please do not hesitate to reach out.
Working With Office vs Office
Until the site is back up, I would be happy to provide samples of relevant work, a list of services, RFQ’s
project considerations, or specifics on processes and working with multiple teams, including your own. You
email me directly at hello@officevsoffice.com. To properly tailor what is
shared please provide a brief
description of your project, your role, and a good time to discuss your inquiry in detail. If you simply
want an
RFQ, please allow up to 48 hours and include a detailed account of the project requirements.
I look forward to hearing from you.
I look forward to hearing from you.
This digital space is currently undergoing a restoration project and will be under construction until further